Utoo Radio and Other News Sources, April 26, 2024 - Canada's largest airline has apologized to Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, after her ceremonial headdress was removed from a plane's cabin and placed in a plastic bag.
Woodhouse Nepinak, who previously served as regional chief of Manitoba's Assembly of First Nations, received the headdress during a ceremony by the Blackfoot Confederacy of the Piikani Nation in Alberta.
The headdress was transferred to her in recognition of her national leadership and work on a settlement on Indigenous child welfare.
The Assembly of First Nations stated that the eagle feathers that made up her headdress have been blessed to support leadership in their travels and challenges.
Politicians have condemned Air Canada's actions, with former justice minister David Lametti calling the incident "shameful" and "ridiculous."
Alvin Fiddler, the grand chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, also described the incident as "shameful" and called on the airline to ensure all members of its team are aware and follow protocols on handling sacred items.