Indigenous Identity Fraud Summit opens
Published on 05/15/2024

Utoo Radio with Other News Sources: May 15, 2024 First Nations, Inuit, and Red River Métis leadership have united in Winnipeg to fight against Indigenous identity fraud, which threatens their existence as distinct peoples.

The two-day summit, co-hosted by the Chiefs of Ontario and Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), opened with denunciations and solidarity at the Fort Garry Hotel.

The meeting aims to call out the collective misappropriation of Indigenous identities and is expected to yield at least one resolution concerning the phenomenon.

Delegates described themselves as inhabiting a new era where their Indigenous identities are celebrated and aggressively pursued by settlers who stand to gain.

Glen Hare, Ontario regional chief elected by COO, argues that identity theft is becoming more common, with politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, academics, and artists identifying as Indigenous, Algonquin, Métis, and Inuit to advance their careers and gain access to opportunities meant for Indigenous peoples.

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