$31M Earmarked for Winnipeg Redevelopment Project
Published on 05/27/2024

Utoo Radio with Other News Sources - May 25 2024 - The Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) has received a $31 million funding boost from the federal government to support the redevelopment of the Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahhogn project in Winnipeg.

The project aims to create affordable housing units, a childcare centre, and a museum in the former downtown Winnipeg Hudson's Bay Company building.

The funding comes from Infrastructure Canada, with $25 million for building repairs and upgrades, and $6 million from PrairiesCan for the creation of Miikahnah Connect, a First Nations workforce recruitment app.

The project is expected to employ over 400 people through the app. Manitoba's Minister of Housing, Addictions and Homelessness, Bernadette Smith, has announced that the province will dedicate up to $10 million for the social housing component of the project.

The project will also expand affordable housing to 358 units and develop services like childcare and subsidized food costs for residents.

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